Order eFile Interchange

Fields marked with an * are required

Step 1a: Provide Personal Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Address 1 *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email *
Phone *

STEP 1b: Alternate Contact's Information

First Name
Last Name

STEP 2: Select your payment option

Payment Method*
Credit Card
Billing Address same as above?
Billing First Name*
Billing Last Name*
Billing Address 1*
Billing Address 2*
Billing City*
Billing State
Billing Zip Code*
Card Type
Card Number
Exp Date
Mo: / Yr:
Security Code

STEP 3: Select Your Product(s)

Product Description Price Qty
Individual Transmissions
75 Transmissions Federal $225
State $75
1040 Indirect Version (Includes 1040/94x)
Unlimited Transmissions Federal $600
State $200
Sub Total: $0.00
Credit Card Convenience Fee $0.00
Total: $0.00

STEP 4: Submit this order for processing

You will receive an order confirmation email within 24 hours of placing this order.

You will receive an email with a link to install the software when it is made available (November 2022). Full program release date Early January 2023.